Monday, May 12, 2014

When exactly was it when we were a great nation. Perhaps when we were a people that worked the land instead of polluting it we were a great nation. Maybe we were great when we rode in safe cars and played outdoors. Once upon a time we stood for liberty and freedom; “Give us your poor, your tired, your hungry” has come to boarder guards and green cards. There was a time we fought for the oppressed instead of the oppressor. Not now!

The price of peace
Or the profit of war

Where there is oil
We open the door

Use good men and women
Like pawns in a game

These soldiers return
Broken and maimed

There is no controller
And no big screen

The blood is red
The grass is green

Bombs don’t just explode
They rip off legs

They are real people
Not a board of pegs

Both sides feel pain
Confusion and fear

But sitting somewhere safe
Needing no gear

Sits the real warmonger
Never lifting a gun

Because war is money
I have more, I won

Confusion has become normal. Government take over and genetically modified food, just keep us down, pacified, plugged into a video game and unaware. The USA, a namby pamby version of a once great nation; now shopping malls and drive throughs have replaced sandy feet and tree climbing
I see you sitting there
Settled in your gaming chair
Plugged in and tuned out
A life with or a life without
I see the ocean, feel the calm
You set off a virtual bomb
I feel the sun the birds sing
You play frantic for that brass ring
Unplug wake up you’re losing the game
Our once great nation’s not the same
Put pen to paper shout it out
Give them something to think about
Voices held high in indignation
Might just save our once great nation